Comments on: Articulating Core Values? What’s the point? MAS.S63 Fall 2018 | Wednesdays 10-1 in E15-341 Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:41:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: fshah Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:41:09 +0000 Of the stated values, I found the inclusion of ‘Systematic Rigor’ interesting. Rigor is not often thought of as a “value”. But having read this piece I am persuaded of the importance of instilling a sense of thoughtful consideration and robust thinking for any ethical attempt at problem solving.
I also liked ‘Courage’ and the idea of brave spaces. Would love to learn more about this concept.

For the convention I think it would make sense for there to be two distinct discussion groups or panels; one each for Johannesburg and Cairo. Ideally, it would also be located in areas close to affected communities. This would allow the maximum number of relevant stakeholders to be able to attend, especially voices that often go unheard.
I personally have a strong interest in South Africa and its history. I have a number of local connections who work with communities in Durban and Cape Town, specifically on issues related to informal labor, that could be useful for gathering relevant resources and context for tackling other systemic issues such as education.
