Comments on: Nutrition Injustice Workshop MAS.S63 Fall 2018 | Wednesdays 10-1 in E15-341 Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:39:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shaurya Agarwal Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:39:28 +0000 A. I was surprised by your objective of “Accept the factors that encourage nutrition justice”. Admittedly, I don’t entirely understand this because I would think that one of the first steps in solving this issue would be to say that the factors that encourage this are not inevitable, but very much preventable with targeted efforts. However, I think what you’re saying here is that we should draw a line between trying to solve the massive problems leading to this injustice (poverty, food supply chains, etc.) and the more manageable problem of solving nutrition injustice given that this background exists. I like that wrapper around it because it does make it feel more actionable and manageable if I was at this event trying to come up with a solution.

B. I think an additional value that could be good is from our reading last night, and that is empathy. There’s a huge component of this event that’s about listening to the individuals that have experienced nutrition injustice and I think we often have a tendency to forget that we need to empathize with these individuals even though we’re in a problem solving mindset. I’m definitely to blame for this at hackathons I’ve been to before where I’m so focused on action that I forget to be in the moment and understand the person I’m trying to solve for.

C. I think the toughest part of this will be that we are trying to hold an event for a very marginalized community, both domestic and abroad, and it is very difficult for them to be able to take time off work or travel to the workshop’s location to be able to share their stories. I think something that we could do is spend a decent amount of time collecting stories before the workshop, traveling to these individuals and asking them to tell us their story on video. While we’re talking to them, I think we could also get a good sense of whether they may be able to come in person or if we could get them access to a video conferencing system to remotely join the conference. The more food insecure individuals we can get plugged into the conference the better, and I think this would require a lot of planning and creative thinking to pull off prior to the event.
