Comments on: Gender performativity // Queer cultures MAS.S63 Fall 2018 | Wednesdays 10-1 in E15-341 Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:39:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: eggprincess Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:39:58 +0000 The members working on this project valued uplifting marginalized or less-heard voices in the queer community, which was something I thought was an important guiding feature in the project that allowed them to be conscious and realistic about the unpredicted consequences of not having a diverse production team for the video. This team’s consistent focus on their values would help make future iterations of the project improved, because there are clear areas that the group can seek to identify growth points for.
A value I would suggest in addition and in response to the above is collaboration. I know that this is something that the group already explicitly identified as something that they value a lot, but I propose that the value could be refined to specify that collaboration means the team will strive to have representation and collaboration across all teams of their project (in this case, collaboration was only a focus during the storytelling process and not in production, which led to one of their unforeseen consequences).
Since this already happened once, I can imagine this convening taking place as a more recurring project perhaps on a yearly basis where LGBTQ folks in Brazil can come together to create a new music video. This would also allow the group to refine and implement their values to become better and better each year. I would love to be part of the team that interfaces with drag queens to collect, produce, and amplify their stories as I’m also cisgender and would not want to contribute to the problem of having a mostly cis production team.
