Comments on: Fake News Fiesta MAS.S63 Fall 2018 | Wednesdays 10-1 in E15-341 Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:38:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: woluchem Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:38:36 +0000 I really like this idea! Here are my thoughts:
A. “News is not always new” is a really good value and I find it really intriguing. I feel like we forget that often news is part of a much longer history, much of which contests our lived understanding of the world. That’s an important distinction to make here and I’m glad it showed up here!
B. I’d also maybe add something about that describes being open to new ideas. I can imagine that this is one of those situations that could be ripe for debate if someone hears something that doesn’t make sense in their conception of the world. I think it could help to have everyone commit to being open to whatever they’re hearing without feeling the need to offer a rebuttal. I like the way you’ve framed it above as an opportunity to share stories, and I think this could help to really make it an even more open space 🙂
C. I think this convening could be a very cool event! I think I’ve seen smaller attempts to create a diverse conversation like this and I definitely believe it can be done. As students, I think we could help by creating the space and the environment that feels neutral enough to have this discussion. Luckily all we really need is a space and food and our party guests, so that’s a fairly small lift. It could be a good idea to test this among smaller groups of people first, so maybe host a small fiesta with 10-15 people to see how that goes, and then scaling up if it makes sense.
