Comments on: DIY vs DITO (Do it Yourself vs Do it Together) MAS.S63 Fall 2018 | Wednesdays 10-1 in E15-341 Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:41:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: hanelee Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:41:12 +0000 A. “We seek community” Tech-science fields often lack personal or cultural awareness. People are focused on the quality and quantity of research to examine what happens between people conducting the research. However, the relationships between researchers and within the community greatly affect the culture of research and consequently the method and even results of research endeavors, and much can be done on a personal level to influence the community. This value is interesting and important in encouraging grassroots action to build a conscious, non-stagnant research culture.

B. Constructive contribution. Individuals are the fundamental component of a community, and the community is not exclusive to but is greatly influenced by what each individual decides to bring to the table. In this regard, it is important for each person to think about what constructive offerings they can make to the community to shape the culture.

C. Unconference and workshop sessions that encourage communication and exchange of skills and values does seem critical in promoting the values. Just as a thought, it would be interesting to see a town-hall discussion of this specific topic of DIY vs DITO for direct self-assessment and socio-cultural awareness as a community.

By: Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar Wed, 10 Oct 2018 14:33:04 +0000 Really great ideas! The value I found particularly powerful was the one asking for us to consider why we came together. It is uncommon for teams to reflect on the reasoning behind them being together and just the action itself can lead to very interesting realizations.
I think adding something around the required ethics to do this type of work and emphasize the importance of embracing the great responsibility that comes with it would be nice.

I know very little about this particular topic but can help facilitating discussions, mobilizing people, writing about the experience or just serving as guinea pig for testing activities. Definitely, I’d love to learn more.
